Support for Japanese processing Extended Feature (JEF) in Unicode
2003-09-16 08:29:17 UTC
Hi All,

Does Unicode cover all the characters in Japanese processing Extended
Feature (JEF), developed by Fujitsu Ltd. ?

As I know, JEF covers JIS X 0208 and some Fujitsu specific characters.
I'm especially interested to know whether those Fujitsu specific
characters are covered in Unicode (and in which version of Unicode) or


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Ben Monroe
2003-09-16 17:06:43 UTC
Post by souravm
Does Unicode cover all the characters in Japanese processing
Extended Feature (JEF), developed by Fujitsu Ltd. ?
As I know, JEF covers JIS X 0208 and some Fujitsu specific
characters. I'm especially interested to know whether those
Fujitsu specific characters are covered in Unicode (and in
which version of Unicode) or not.
Information from _CJKV: Information Processing_ by Ken Lunde, O'Reilly. JEF
contains the 6,802 characters from JIS C 6226-1978, 4,039 JEF extended
kanji, 1,010 JEF extended non-kanji, and 3,102 user-defined characters.

Page 294 of the new TUS 4.0 lists JEF (Fujitsu) as one of the (U) sources
referenced by the IRG.
It is also listed on page 259 in the TUS 3.0 book. You should be able to
read both online as well.

It was mentioned a few years ago that Unicode at that time did not cover all
of the JEF extended characters, but since then we've seen the addition of
the Extensions A and B blocks. Neither of these apparently used the U
sources, but there may be some overlap. Without systematic comparison of
charts, though, I can not say anything definitive.

Good luck,
Ben Monroe

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